Employee experience
5 min read

Check Yourself! 3 Tips for Self-Care
in Hospo

Written by
Sophie Pank
Published on
June 5, 2024

So, you've heard the term "work-life balance" tossed around like confetti, right?

But let's be real, how does that even fit into your life when you're juggling odd hours, multiple gigs, or just scraping by on minimum wage? Fear not, we're here to decode that phrase and dish out some savvy tips tailored just for you—whether you're a seasoned pro or a fresh face in the hospitality hustle.

Understanding Work-Life Balance

In simple terms, it's about finding ways to give yourself a little TLC both on the job and off. The key to mastering this balance? Putting numero uno—yes, that's you—first. Because let's face it, if you don't prioritize your own well-being, who will?

The Payoff

Nailing down that work-life balance isn't just about zen vibes and good karma. It's about taking control of your life. Once you strike that balance, you'll be slaying it at work, living your best life at home, and radiating so much positive energy that people will want to bask in your glow. Trust us, it's a win-win. To achieve this mythical balance, you've got to prioritise self-care. So, let's check if you're already on the self-care train, and if not, read on to get some game-changing tips. You deserve it.

Food for Thought

We get it, those post-shift staffies and team meals are tempting. There's nothing like being served after a long day of serving others, right? Have you considered how important your gut health is for your overall physical and mental wellness?

Here's how to keep your health game strong during your shift:

Guzzle that H2O like it's nobody's business. Staying hydrated not only boosts your energy levels but also keeps your gut happy. Try to prep your meals in advance whenever possible. If you're tight with the kitchen crew, they might just hook you up with a spot in the fridge for your home-cooked goodness or make you a healthy meal at break time.  And hey, good news! Coffee can actually be good for your gut. Just watch the timing, because caffeine too close to bedtime can turn into a snooze-time showdown.

Sleep Like a Boss:

Trying to catch Z's in an industry that never sleeps? Easier said than done. But fear not, we've got some industry-tested tricks up our sleeves to help you snooze like a pro. Wind down before bed with a mini self-pamper sesh. Think light stretching, meditation, or some soothing white noise to ease your mind into relaxation mode. Invest in sleep essentials like pillows, sleep masks, or sprays to level up your bedtime game. Block out shutters might sound bougie, but trust us, they're worth it. Dimming the lights helps your Circadian Rhythm slip into sleep mode like a champ. Keep your cool with a fan or breathable cotton sheets to avoid tossing and turning all night. Oh, and don't forget to set boundaries with fam, flatmates, and friends—communicate your shift schedule loud and clear and snag yourself a peaceful sleeping sanctuary.

Let's get physical:

We all know exercise is the holy grail of mental and physical well-being. But when your routine is all over the place, making time for it can feel like a huge task. Fear not, we've got some sneaky hacks to help you sneak in those gains without breaking a sweat. Make the most of your breaks by squeezing in some quick exercises or stretches. Whether it's a brisk walk or a few sets of squats, every little bit counts. Look for ways to sprinkle physical activity into your daily grind. Walk to work, skip the elevator, take the stairs, or tackle those household chores with gusto. And on your precious rest days, treat yourself to longer workouts or opt for low-key activities like stretching or swimming to keep those muscles happy.

Your Employer's Role:

If you work at an awesome venue, your manager will most likely understand the benefits of investing in your work-life balance, after all, it's good for business. Balanced teams are happier, more engaged, and deliver standout customer experiences.  So, if you're feeling bold, slide this article over to your manager. If they're worth their salt, they'll thank you for it!

Remember, folks, self-care isn't selfish—it's survival. So, go ahead, check yourself before you wreck yourself. You've got this!

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