Candidate experience
5 min read

Find a job that works for you

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Published on
June 5, 2024

Searching for your next hospo job? Don't leave it to chance by blindly sending out resumes and hoping for the best. We're here to show you how to find and land your dream job with these insider tips.

1. Use your network

Think of networking as your secret weapon for uncovering those hidden gems of job opportunities. Remember when your mate raved about that cozy café with the killer barista? That's the kind of insider info you want to tap into. Chat with friends and family, or throw the question out on social media and don't be shy about asking for recommendations. Your network might just surprise you with some fantastic leads to help you form a shortlist of places to look into.

2. Picture yourself in the team

Time to put on your detective hat and do some recon work. Visit the venues on your shortlist and soak in the vibes. How's the atmosphere? How do the staff interact with each other and with customers? Take mental notes and see if you can picture yourself fitting right in.

3. Make Your Move

Ready to make a great first impression? Introduce yourself to the managers or owners of the venues on your shortlist and let them know why their place caught your eye. Show off your enthusiasm for their establishment and express genuine interest in joining the team. Remember, being your authentic self is key!

4. Embrace the Unexpected

Sometimes, the perfect job may be different than you expected. Don't shy away from asking the owner or manager where they see you fitting in. Sometimes, others see potential in us that we overlook and a little flexibility can open doors to unexpected opportunities. Who knows? You might discover a role you never even considered that turns out to be your dream job.

Need more inspo to take hold of your destiny?

3 reasons why being proactive will work in your favour

1. By putting yourself out there and networking like a pro, you're not just scoring a job, you're building connections that can last a lifetime. Plus, being part of a tight-knit team makes every shift a blast.

2. Making a bold move to introduce youself shows you've got guts, grit and gumption - qualities any boss would love to see in their team.

3. Finding a job that fits like a glove isn't just a pipe dream. It's totally doable, and it's the key to waking up excited for work every day.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into that job search with confidence and find the job that works for you.

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