Effective communication
6 minutes

The Benefits of Tailoring Your Communication Approach 

Written by
Sophie Pank
Published on
July 2, 2024

Understanding your team's personality traits can make a world of difference in how you connect and communicate. The OCEAS framework—Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Stability (also known as Neuroticism) is used by organisational psychologists to tailor interactions and enhance employee engagement and satisfaction and as a People and Culture leader, offers a roadmap to engage effectively with your team.

Why understanding communication styles matters

Matching your communication style to your team’s personality traits is an easy way to build a culture of trust while providing an exceptional employee experience. Effective communication also enhances your employer brand by ensuring that both candidates and employees feel understood and valued. This personalised approach not only improves daily interactions but also supports managers in managing their casual workforce more effectively.

By leveraging insights from tools like rikta, you can connect the dots between the unique personality types of your candidates and existing employees. Rikta offers tips on how to communicate with each person in their individual style, providing a more personalised experience that strengthens trust and engagement. This tailored communication approach not only boosts employee satisfaction but also enhances your reputation as an employer of choice.

Let’s explore each personality trait of your team and how you can adjust your communication style to match.

Trait 1. Openness: The Innovators vs. The Practical Thinkers

High Openness: Individuals high in openness are imaginative and creative. They enjoy exploring new ideas and engaging in abstract discussions.

  • Be Visionary: Share the big picture and how their role fits into it.
  • Encourage Creativity: Ask for their input on new projects or improvements.
  • Stay Flexible: Be open to their suggestions.

Example: "Hey Alex, I’d love your thoughts on how we can improve our customer service experience."

Low Openness: Those low in openness prefer concrete, straightforward communication. They focus on practical matters and stick to familiar topics.

  • Be Direct: Keep instructions clear and to the point.
  • Focus on Practicality: Highlight the practical benefits of changes.
  • Stay Consistent: Stick to tried-and-true methods.

Example: "Hi Jamie, let’s stick with our current customer service script for now."

Trait 2. Conscientiousness: The Organisers vs. The Spontaneous

High Conscientiousness: These individuals are organised, reliable, and detail-oriented. Their communication is clear, structured, and precise.

  • Be Detailed: Provide clear, structured information.
  • Set Expectations: Let them know deadlines and what’s expected.
  • Acknowledge Efforts: Recognize their hard work.

Example: "Hi Sam, here’s the checklist for tomorrow’s event setup."

Low Conscientiousness: People low in conscientiousness are more casual, spontaneous, and flexible.

  • Be Flexible: Allow for spontaneity.
  • Keep It Light: Use a casual tone.
  • Encourage Adaptability: Highlight the importance of being adaptable.

Example: "Hey Taylor, feel free to adjust the setup as you see fit."

Trait 3. Extraversion: The Energisers vs. The Thoughtful

High Extraversion: Extraverts are outgoing, energetic, and sociable. They thrive in lively conversations and group discussions.

  • Be Enthusiastic: Use an energetic tone.
  • Encourage Participation: Involve them in team activities.
  • Be Open: Allow them to express their thoughts.

Example: "Hi Chris, let’s gather the team for a quick brainstorming session."

Low Extraversion (Introversion): Introverts prefer one-on-one or small group interactions. They communicate in a more reserved and thoughtful manner.

  • Be Considerate: Give them time to think and respond.
  • Provide Space: Allow for one-on-one conversations.
  • Encourage Thoughtfulness: Value their insights.

Example: "Hi Alex, I’d love to hear your thoughts on our new service plan."

Trait 4. Agreeableness: The Peacemakers vs. The Realists

High Agreeableness: These individuals are warm, empathetic, and cooperative. Their communication is friendly and supportive.

  • Be Kind: Use a friendly tone.
  • Promote Harmony: Encourage teamwork and avoid conflict.
  • Acknowledge Feelings: Be considerate of their feelings.

Example: "Hi Emma, thank you for always being such a supportive team member."

Low Agreeableness: Those low in agreeableness are more straightforward and critical. They focus on their own perspectives and may be competitive.

  • Be Direct: Use clear, straightforward language.
  • Encourage Constructiveness: Focus on constructive feedback.
  • Respect Opinions: Value their honest opinions.

Example: "Hi Ryan, I appreciate your straightforward feedback."

Trait 5. Stability: The Calm vs. The Expressive

High Stability (Low Neuroticism): Individuals high in stability are relaxed and handle stress well. They communicate calmly and rationally.

  • Be Calm: Use a relaxed tone.
  • Reassure: Provide reassurance during stressful situations.
  • Stay Positive: Focus on solutions.

Example: "Hi Kelly, I know things are hectic, but you’re handling it all so well."

Low Stability (High Neuroticism): People high in neuroticism are more anxious and sensitive. They may express concerns frequently.

  • Be Supportive: Offer emotional support.
  • Listen Actively: Show that you value their concerns.
  • Provide Stability: Offer clear and consistent communication.

Example: "Hi Jordan, I understand you’re feeling stressed about the upcoming event."

Which ones sound like you? And which ones sound like your team mates? Do the test, I bet the results will amaze you! 

But cnce you have the results - what can you do with them? 

Each person embodies a unique blend of all the OCEAS traits—Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Stability, in varying levels. This complexity means no one fits neatly into a single category, making it essential to understand how these traits interact for each individual. 

Tools like rikta can help you decipher these nuances, providing insights on how to communicate more effectively with each team member by appreciating their unique personality mosaic. This tailored approach ensures more personalised and impactful interactions, fostering a more cohesive and engaging work environment.

Happy communicating!

Become a more effective communicator

Rikta guides you on how to effectively communicate with each team member aligning to their unique personality traits.